October 28-30, 2025
Winners 2022
Here are all winners from this year, who were competing for more than 3 million euro of investments, cash, accelerate and skilling awards.
Winner Digital/ Business Innovation

1st place, 250k by STS Ventures and 20k by Audi Denkwerkstatt: Compounder (University of Cologne)


Winner Tech Innovation

1st place, 250k by Speedinvest and 20k by Siemens: Untap (Imperial College London)



HTGF Deep Tech Award, 600k: FastCast Ceramics (KIT) and 600k: HBOX Therapies (RWTH Aachen)

Seed+Speed Investment Award, 400k: Brainamics (TU Munich)

Onsight Investment Award, 350k: Cellbricks GmbH (better ventures - Impact Startup Wildcard)

Atlantic Labs Investment Award, 250k: Electrogenos (better ventures - Impact Startup Wildcard)

Earlybird Investment Award, 100k: Semor Al (Siemens - Industry Al Solution Wildcard) and 100k: OASIS NOW (Erasmus University Rotterdam)


Female Founder Award by Orrick & Female Founders, 15k: Untap (Imperial College London) 

Sustainability Award by Enhance & German Entrepreneurship & Worldfund, 10k: Protein Distillery (WHU)

KI Park Innovation Award, 10k: Genvision (KU Leuven)

Digital Technology Award by DvH Ventures, 25k Media Budget: Compounder (University of Cologne) 


Wildcard for xdeck Batch #7: Anticipate (Siemens - Industry Al Solution Wildcard)

B2B Sales Bootcamp with UVC Partners: Skypass (NTNU)

Getting your FoodTech ready for fundraising by FoodLabs: Cequestre (Oxford University)

Fast-Track to JOIN Capital’s IC Meeting: Nocoli (Chalmers University of Technology)

Premium Access to PatentPlus Innovation Platform: Untap (Imperial College London) & ProteinDistillery (WHU)


Problem Solving Workshop by McKinsey: Untap (Imperial College London) & Compounder (University of Cologne)

Superangel 10 x Growth Sprint: Untap (Imperial College London)

Value for Good Impact Coaching: Manuscrito (Babes-Bolyai University)

Low Code meets Digital Twin - Bootcamp with Siemens & Mendix: Boxxy AB (Stockholm School of Economics) & AniML Tech (London Business School) & Yuman Robots (TU Denmark)

Interactive HardTech Bootcamp by IOT+ Network: Nocoli (Chalmers University of Technology) 

Young Professional Negotiator by Schranner Negotiation Institute: Resmonics (University of St. Gallen)