Problem: BioFragment addresses the inefficiencies and high costs associated with traditional drug discovery methods. The current process often leads to the wastage of chemical fragments that could otherwise be utilised, which contributes to unsustainable practices and delayed drug development. The pharmaceutical industry is under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices while also accelerating drug development. Traditional methods are not only slow and costly but also heavily dependent on toxic materials and heavy metals. There is a critical need for faster, more sustainable approaches that reduce this dependency and improve the efficiency of drug discovery. Specifically, there is a strong demand for sp3-rich drug-like molecules that are synthetically tractable, providing both regio- and stereoselectivity. Moreover, industries such as fragrances and biofuels also seek innovative solutions like the addition of hydroxyl groups to enhance biodegradation. However, scalability remains a significant hurdle, particularly in transitioning from small-scale to industrial-scale production.
Solution: BioFragment provides an innovative enzyme-based technology that converts non-usable chemical fragments into viable drug candidates through the use of biocatalysis, making drug discovery more sustainable, faster and efficient. Our technology, powered by an extensive library of versatile enzymes, addresses the pharmaceutical industry's need for faster, environmentally friendly, and scalable solutions. By leveraging our 10+ years of research, we improve enzyme function prediction, ensuring that our biocatalysts deliver high regio- and stereoselectivity. BioFragment’s approach not only reduces the time and cost associated with traditional drug discovery methods but also meets the growing demand for sp3-rich molecules and more sustainable practices in drug development and beyond.
USP: Our unique selling proposition lies in our proprietary enzyme library, developed over a decade of research, which contains over 3,000 versatile enzymes. Alongside our unique know-how, this allows us to offer highly tailored and efficient solutions for drug discovery that our competitors cannot easily replicate. Furthermore, each new compound contributes to our R&D, enhancing the company's efficiency and potentially providing data to develop a predictive algorithm in the future.